Flip What are your short-term goals? Long-term goals?

This open-ended question will give your customer the opportunity to tell you where they want the business to go in the next year. You can begin to figure out how your product will factor into your customer’s goals and position it as a catalyst or accelerator that will help them achieve their objecti...


Flip What is your boss or team hoping to accomplish in the next year?

This open-ended question will give your customer the opportunity to tell you where they want the business to go in the next year. You can begin to figure out how your product will factor into your customer


Flip What are your desired outcomes?

Similar to the first one, this question asks about goals, albeit in a different way. By giving them a time frame (one year) and a subject (their boss or team), you can hone in even further on what the business is hoping to achieve.


Flip What deadlines are you currently up against?

This question prompts the customer to think not in visions or goals, but in outcomes. Wanting to achieve a far-off or even immediate goal is one thing; having a desired outcome in mind is another.


Flip What do you perceive as the greatest strength of your team? Weakness?

You don’t want to ask what their greatest weakness is first, so start by asking about their greatest strength. After, go after their weaknesses. Knowing their weakness will help you understand what the team could be doing better and how your product fits into potential improvement plans. 


Flip What do you perceive as your team

This question might seem extraneous, given that we


Flip Which trade associations do you belong to?

You don


Flip If you could change one thing about your organization, what would it be?

This question will come in handy if you


Flip From your perspective, what do you perceive your needs to be? How important are they?

This is a great question to keep the conversation flowing, while learning more about the challenges and pitfalls of the organization at large. Even if the answer is unrelated to the product, you can begin to understand some of the organizational challenges and pitfalls your customer deals with.


Flip Do you struggle with [common pain point]?

A better alternative to


Flip Which resource could you use more of?

This is a classic question to uncover your customer


Flip How does your company evaluate the potential of new products or services?

Ask this question to not only understand what resources you could offer right then and there, but to see the types of resources your team could create to convert more prospects. You can send this information straight to your marketing department so you can begin to nurture leads with this new resour...


Flip Who has your business now? Why did you choose that vendor?

If you want to sell the product, you need to know how your customer evaluates a product prior to purchasing it. The main benefit of this question is that it


Flip What are your buying criteria and success criteria?

Your customer might be using another solution


Flip Where would you put the emphasis regarding price, quality, and service?

This question prompts your customer to describe, in general terms, the key factors for choosing a product. But don


Flip What level of service are you looking for?

Use this question to choose whether to upsell your customer or create a discounted package. It can also help you further qualify them if you sell an enterprise product that has a high contract value or if your service team is still growing and developing.


Flip What do you like best about your present supplier? What don't you like?

Will they need extensive onboarding? Or do they want a solution that they can simply plug in and start using straightaway? Knowing the level of service and attention they expect will help you gauge their needs once onboarding has started.


Flip What do you look for in the companies you do business with?

This question should only be asked after you


Flip What might cause you to change suppliers?



Flip What do you like best about your current system? What would you like to see changed?

Customer churn


Flip How do you typically reach purchasing decisions?

This question speaks not to the company they


Flip Would you rather cut costs, save money, or increase productivity?

Is it by attending a team-wide meeting, and everyone votes on whether to adopt a solution or not? Does it depend on the contract value of the product? If you


Flip Which product features would lead to a purchasing decision?

This is another way to uncover where your customer

Flip If you

Some product features might not be necessary to your customers, while others might be critical. Whatever your customer mentions here, use that to highlight that exact feature in your product.


Flip On average, how long does it take for your team to purchase a product?

Has your customer come close to making a similar purchase, but pulled back at the last second? This question will give you insight into

Take advantage of this question to find out how long you could potentially be in conversation with this customer.